
Blog Posts

A “Credit” to Her Family and Community

written by: Lisa Karel After enduring a series of difficult life events—including homelessness—Marshelle Woodland was desperate for some hope. She found it, quite literally, after she heard John Hope Bryant, …

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy and Advancing the Dream with Operation HOPE

Any oppressive system’s greatest fear is encapsulated in two powerful forces: hope and dreams. These forces remind us that despite the adversities we face—be it injustice, discomfort, or dissatisfaction—there remains …

Saluting Lance Triggs — 30 Years of Service to Operation HOPE and the Communities We Serve

Today, my dear friend Lance Triggs celebrates 30 years of service to Operation HOPE. Let that sink in for a moment. Three decades, virtually his entire professional life, dedicated to …

Focused on the Goal: Russhelle’s Homeownership Dream

At Operation HOPE, we believe in the transformative power of financial literacy and financial coaching. Every day, we help empower people like Russhelle T., who overcame her financial hurdles with …

Living in the Real World

Two years ago Macie came to Operation HOPE as a recent college graduate ready to take on the real world. Post-graduate life was great, but it proved to be much …

“Turning Points: Sandra’s Journey to Financial Freedom with Operation HOPE”

In April 2023, Sandra embarked on a transformative journey towards financial freedom, initially referred by a real estate agent with the aspiration to purchase a home and enhance her savings. …

Celebrating the Freedman’s Bank: Our History and Hope for the Future

Freedom, self-determination, opportunity—these words capture the essence and meaning of one of our nation’s most important institutions, the Freedman’s Bank, established during the Reconstruction era.  Nearly 160 years ago, President …

A Haircut that Led to HOPE

Claire Broderick has been self-employed for over two decades, so the struggles and rewards of entrepreneurship are nothing new to her. But no amount of experience could have prepared her …

Sweet Legacy: The Mom + Daughter Duo Behind Kayla’s Italian Ice

written by: Y. Theresa Bostic Every mother carries a vision, a hope that her children will grow to be strong, dynamic individuals who will leave an indelible mark upon the …

Victoria’s Journey to Homeownership Through Operation HOPE

Victoria’s journey to homeownership began in October 2022, marked by a fierce determination to provide a stable, nurturing environment for her three teenagers. As a single mother working two jobs …