
Lakia Adds Some Flair to Her Finances and New Home

Lakia Gass was a single mother of 2 when she first onboarded with Operation HOPE in April 2019. She wanted to improve her credit so that she would be ready to purchase a home. However, Lakia had what felt like a series of insurmountable challenges which made this goal difficult to achieve. She was beginning to recover from the aftermath of her 9 year relationship. Her credit was in shambles and she had little to no savings. But she was determined to rebuild her life and live it with the flair she once had.

Through one-on-one coaching with her Financial Wellbeing Coach, Predeitha Oliver, she began to see steady improvements to her credit. Week after week, month after month, Lakia would take the referrals, resources, and lessons learned and applied them to her financial life. With steady encouragement and consistency, her credit score began to rise from the low 600s to a near 700 credit score with an impressive credit profile. Despite obstacles and setbacks, Lakia stayed the course for a year and a half and was approved for her first mortgage.

She is now rebuilding her life and decorating her home to reflect the inner beauty and flair that has been renewed thanks to a positive money mindset. We hope Lakia continues to enjoy her home and spreads the joy to her children, friends, and family.

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