
Operation HOPE believes in
Inclusive Economics

Simply put, HOPE believes that, regardless of where you live, who you are, or what the color of your skin is, EVERYONE should have the same right and access to fully participate and thrive in our economy.

That said, HOPE scholarships offer NO COST options for individuals, families, and communities to get access to critical financial tools and coaching that can help brighten their financial future.


Operation HOPE offers scholarship services designed to level the economic playing field. Through our customized one-on-one programs for youth, adults, and disaster survivors, HOPE clients gain access to the financial knowledge and tools they need to create a more secure future – all at no cost.

GIVE or get

Choose the Scholarship Level You Want to Give, Receive, or Support!


  • Introductory session with financial wellbeing coach
  • Access to base LMS courses
  • App features
  • Credit report review & consultation
  • HOPE Financial Wellness Index review & consultation
  • Access to HOPE Client & Chairman Bryant inspirational videos


  • HOPE Lite +
  • Access to Operation HOPE Client knowledge base
  • 3 one-on-one coaching sessions
  • Access to most LMS courses
  • Two credit reports (beginning and end of year)
  • Access to 2 Credit & Money Management virtual workshops


  • HOPE Lite +
  • HOPE Classic +
  • Assignment to a dedicated financial wellbeing coach
  • Access to 5 1-hour workshops
  • Access to 8 optional small business sessions
  • 6 one-on-one coaching sessions
  • 8 1-hour home ownership workshops toward
  • HUD borrower certification
  • Quarterly credit reports for 12 months
  • Customized financial services referrals
  • Individualized action plans & budgets
  • Credit bureau dispute letters
  • Access to all LMS courses
  • Mentorship through HOPE Corp

Access a HOPE Scholarship Today!


Provide HOPE Scholarships Today!



By supporting Operation HOPE as an individual or through your organization, you ensure that ALL AMERICANS have access to the knowledge and tools they need to live a healthy financial life.