
The Chavises Journey to Their Dream Home

When Alisha Kenney first started working with the Chavis family back in December 2020, they had a dream of buying a home. At that time, they had no savings, and credit was in the 500 to low 600’s. They had no idea where to start. Alisha worked with the family to get them on a budget and to understand the need to have and keep savings. 

As part of their learning in the Credit and Money Management program, the family learned how to read their credit report and to check for inaccuracies. When the couple began to review their credit report, they discovered a few incorrect items. This was an excellent opportunity for them to boost their credit score with the corrections! Alisha helped them through the dispute process, and they got several accounts deleted. They were determined to make a change in their finances and become homeowners!

By the time the Chavises graduated from the Credit & Money Management program, they had over $5000 in savings, and both had increased credit scores — both in the mid-to-high 600s and continue to climb each month.

Thanks to their new credit scores and skills, the family was approved for their dream home and are on their way to building generational wealth for their children.