
Minority Small Business Index

Measuring progress toward equity in minority small business creation

Capturing sentiment from minority small business entrepreneurs

In February 2021, Operation HOPE launched, in partnership with Momentive, a new Minority Small Business Index to quantify the experiences and hopefulness of minority small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each question of the Index touched on a different aspect of entrepreneurship – from hope for business success, to having a trusted mentor, to risk tolerance, to access to capital, and finally, to future outlook on systemic issues that impede success for minority small business owners.

How to use the Minority Small Business Index

HOPE leveraged its 1 Million Black Business Initiative (1MBB) to tap into the current state of today’s minority small businesses. We were able to dive deep into how aspiring entrepreneurs, recent small business owners and experienced small business owners are coping in today’s climate. 

Survey Results

Putting the Minority Small Business Index into practice

The results indicate there is still much work to be done for minority small businesses owners to succeed. You can help our mission to bring financial freedom to all by supporting our 1MBB initiative – seeking to create and grow one million black-owned small businesses by 2030.

Learn more about 1MBB

You can also assist with our mission by donating, volunteering, or partnering with Operation HOPE.