
MAKE A HOPE Commitment

If you believe that economic opportunity should be available to ALL people, then you are in the right place!


At Operation HOPE, we believe that financial literacy is the civil rights issue of this generation. It’s personal to us because we understand the crucial role that financial education plays in empowering individuals and communities.

Operation HOPE CEO John Hope Bryant was a 9-year-old student in South Central Los Angeles when a banker taught a class in financial literacy that changed his life. That encounter sparked his entrepreneurial drive, which evolved into his current success today as one of America’s leading Black business leaders.

Tied to the release of Bryant’s latest book, Financial Literacy for All, we’ve launched a “Campaign for America” in which every American can advance financial literacy for themselves and their communities. We believe that everyone can do something – where they live, learn, work or play – to improve their own financial future or help someone else with theirs. TOGETHER, we can change America!

Here are six ways to get or give support:

Get Started With Your HOPE COMMITMENT.

Make a personal Commitment to HOPE. Tell us what you are going to do in your home, in your workplace, and/or in your community to propel economic empowerment forward. This could be hosting a home buying workshop for your congregation, helping your child open up a savings account, mentoring a small business owner in your neighborhood, or… you get the idea. The possibilities are endless and we want to hear about what you’re doing, because it is going to take all of us to bridge the economic divide and build thriving individuals and communities!