
30 Years of HOPE:

The History of Operation HOPE


April 5

FL4A Joins Nasdaq Stock Market for Opening Bell Ceremony

Financial Literacy for All joins Nasdaq to kick off National Financial Literacy Month
March 31

SBA adds 1MBB to strategic alliance

U.S. Small Business Administration revises and renews strategic alliance with HOPE to include 1MBB programing for small businesses

January 12

FDIC collaborates with HOPE

U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation launches new collaboration with Operation HOPE to incorporate an extension of financial education activity with HOPE’s 1MBB and Small Business Programs.

November 8

FICO joins the growing number of FL4A partners

FICO joins Mastercard, BlackRock, TIME for Kids, Nextdoor, US Bank, Santander, Truist and First Horizon Bank along with FL4A founding members Walmart, Disney, NFL, NBA, Delta Air Lines, Walgreens, Bank of America, Khan Academy and Ares Management as part of this first-of-its-kind coalition. FICO’s involvement complements FL4A’s existing efforts to promote greater financial well-being among American working adults and young people.

October 19

1st hybrid HOPE Global Forum

1st hybrid HOPE Global Forum

 Launch of the 1st hybrid (in person & virtual) HOPE Global Forum which reaches over 4.2 million social media impressions and was covered by more than 950 news outlets.

August 25

Robinhood Markets signs Investors’ Bill of Rights

Operation HOPE announced that Robinhood Markets is the first company to sign onto its Investors’ Bill of Rights.

May 20

Financial Literacy for All (FL4A) launched

Operation HOPE launches the Financial Literacy for All movement in partnership with CEO’s of companies such as Walmart, Delta Air Lines, the NBA and NFL, Walgreens, Bank of America, and Disney to infuse this initiative in their business plans for the next 10 years to help people with financial literacy and generational wealth.

March 16

Third Reconstruction Launched

“Third Reconstruction: A 3-Point plan to make Financial Literacy the Civil Issue of this Generation” published in the Milken Review.

February 9

Investors’ Bill of Rights launched

Operation HOPE announced its Investors’ Bill of Rights to address the greater need for individual investor protections. The Investors’ Bill of Rights was created by Operation HOPE’s Chairman and CEO, John Hope Bryant, with input from a variety of organizations and leaders in the US financial markets.

November 12

Twitter partners with HOPE

Twitter agrees to invest $100 million in lenders promoting racial equality by reinvesting interest it earns from loans into Operation HOPE.

October 20

1MBB Launched

The One Million Black Business and Entrepreneurship Initiative is launched, in partnership with Shopify, to create, scale or grow one million Black businesses by 2030 at the HOPE Global Forum, conducted virtually in response to COVID-19.

October 6

Up From Nothing published

Publication of “Up From Nothing: The Untold Story of How We (All) Succeed”

March 3

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin hosts Freedman’s Bank Forum

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin hosts Freedman’s Bank Forum

U.S. Treasury hosts Freedman’s Bank Forum with Secretary Mnuchin with Operation HOPE

October 15

HOPE Global Advisory Board established

Established the HOPE Global Advisory Board with preeminent corporate and social leaders.

October 26

Columbus, GA gives HOPE Key to the City

John Hope Bryant and Operation HOPE receive Key to the City from Mayor of Columbus, Ga and Congressional Recognition at keynote for Columbus Urban League.

September 13

100th HOPE Inside location opens

HOPE’s 100th location opened in Baltimore, Maryland, in partnership with The Columbia Bank to deliver Operation HOPE’s core programming to residents of Baltimore and communities in the surrounding area.

August 29

The Memo published

August 2017 – Publication of “The Memo: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation”

December 1

Innovator of the Year

Innovator of the Year

American Banker Magazine names Chairman Bryant 2016 “Innovator of the Year” for developing the HOPE Inside model that promotes financial inclusion and generates business for banks.

December 9

Treasury Annex renamed The Freedman’s Bank Building

Treasury Annex renamed The Freedman’s Bank Building

On the recommendation of John Bryant and Operation HOPE, Secretary Lew publicly renamed the Treasury Annex Building, The Freedman’s Bank Building, in honor of the site where the Freedman’s Saving Bank once stood.

November 30

MBDA signs MOU with HOPE

U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) and Operation HOPE signed a MOU designed to provide U.S. minority business enterprises (MBEs) with greater opportunities to access technical and financial resources.

February 27

Legacy Forum honors 150th Anniversary of the Freedman’s Bank

U.S. Treasury Department, U.S. National Archives, and Operation HOPE host the first Freedman’s Bank Legacy Forum commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Freedman’s Bank

January 15

President Clinton speaks at HOPE Global Forum

Former President Bill Clinton is keynote speaker at the HOPE Global Forum.

June 2

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism published

Publication of “How the Poor Can Save Capitalism: Rebuilding the Path to the Middle Class”

April 24

CFPB signs MOU with HOPE

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Operation HOPE Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Financial Education.

December 31

25 HOPE Inside locations

25 HOPE Inside locations

Operation HOPE has 25 HOPE Inside locations

November 14

SBA signs MOU with HOPE

The U.S. Small Business Administration and Operation HOPE signed a Strategic Alliance Memorandum to encourage entrepreneurship and economic empowerment for small business owners.

July 18

HOPE recognized in the UAE

Bryant’s work in financial literacy was recognized by the Emirates Foundation in the United Arab Emirates. The new Esref Sah (Spend Wisely) Personal Finance curriculum, which features Bryant’s personal life story, likeness and image, is a UAE wide partnership between the Emirates Foundation and Operation HOPE that seeks to boost youth financial literacy skills and confidence, as well as encouraging personal financial dignity through role modeling.

June 25

President Obama creates the President’s Advisory Council For Financial Capability For Young Americans

President Obama creates the President’s Advisory Council For Financial Capability For Young Americans. John Bryant serves as a founding member.

March 1

OECD recognizes HOPE for best practices in Financial Education

Operation HOPE has been a “financial education best practice” on behalf of the USA highlighted in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Global Money Week 10 Years Of Celebrations since 2013.

January 19

Chairman Bryant appointed to U.S. President’s Advisory Council

Chairman Bryant appointed to U.S. President’s Advisory Council

President Barack Obama appoints John Bryant the chairman of the new Subcommittee on the Underserved and Community Empowerment for the U.S. President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability.

March 15

Global Money Initiative launched

Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) and Wikipedia Founder and Wikia Co-Founder Jimmy Wale, partner with Operation HOPE to launch the first international financial literacy empowerment tool, the Wikia-Operation HOPE Global Money Initiative (Global Money).

December 8

HOPE receives Hidden Heroes Award

Operation HOPE and Bryant received the Andrew Goodman Foundation, Hidden Heroes Award for 2010 in Harlem, New York, presented by the brother of Andrew Goodman himself. The award and foundation is named after one of three brave young men who gave their lives in support of the civil rights movement of the 20th century in America.

August 17

Love Leadership published

Publication of Love Leadership: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-based World.

December 11

Department of Education signs MOU with HOPE

U.S. Education Department White House Initiative On HBCUs creates MOU with Operation HOPE around financial education for HBCU collegiate students.

August 4

HOPE partners with SBA’s Office of Entrepreneurship Education

U.S. Small Business Administration launches the Office Of Entrepreneurship Education. Operation HOPE becomes a national alliance partner.

June 13

Peace Corps partners with HOPE

U.S. Peace Corps forms partnership with Operation HOPE to empower South African Youth and Women to develop their own financial future.

April 25

SBA National Small Business Week honors HOPE

U.S. Small Business Administration National Small Business Week recognized Operation HOPE and John Bryant for superior financial inclusion work.

January 22

President Bush announces Council on Financial Literacy

President Bush announces Council on Financial Literacy

U.S. President George W. Bush announces the President’s Council on Financial Literacy and appoints John Hope Bryant as Vice Chair.

June 14

Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund partners with HOPE

Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund partners with HOPE

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (NMCF) partners with Operation HOPE to provide financial literacy programming in South Africa.

April 25

1st Presidential Meeting on Financial literacy

At the request of Chairman Bryant and Operation HOPE, U.S. President George W. Bush, Treasury Secretary Paulson, Education Secretary Spellings, HUD Secretary Jackson, U.S. Treasurer Cabral and 6 financial literacy experts in the Roosevelt Room of the White House for a first-ever Presidential meeting on financial literacy in America.

April 23

15TH Anniversary of Bankers’ Bus Tour

Chairman Bryant and Ambassador Andrew Young host the HOPE Bankers’ Bus Tour of the Los Angeles riots, attended by more than 500 leaders from government, community and the private sector.

March 31

HOPE joins Clinton Global Initiative

Operation HOPE becomes a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

January 11

American Red Cross Partners with HOPE

Operation HOPE signs memorandum with American Red Cross to vertically integrate HOPE Coalition America’s emergency disaster preparedness, response and recovery work with ARC’s critical response work.

December 16

HOPE inspires change to Community Reinvestment Act

A provisional change in the federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) law, at the request of Chairman Bryant and Operation HOPE, allowing and authorizing “credit for emergency disaster financial counseling” under CRA for thrifts (OTS approved) and state and federally chartered banks (OCC and FDIC approved), for all victims of Hurricane Katrina and Rita, irrespective of income or location throughout the nation.

November 18

Project Restore HOPE / Gulf Coast Recovery Launched

Project Restore HOPE / Gulf Coast Recovery Launched

Project Restore HOPE/Gulf Coast Recovery, to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina was announced.

September 16

USA Freedom Corps Partners with HOPE

President Bush’s USA Freedom Corps announces partnership with Operation HOPE Citizen Corps and Volunteers For Prosperity with a focus on a Financial Literacy corps.  

June 1

White House Office on Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Partner invite HOPE

Operation HOPE’s founder and CEO served as a featured speaker on behalf of Operation HOPE, Inc. for the first ever-national conference of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community-Based Initiatives, on two separate panels, namely “Community Development Successful Partnerships” and the “Foundations and Corporations Forum.”

January 21

Homeland Security formalized partnership in HOPE Coalition America

Homeland Security formalized partnership in HOPE Coalition America

U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Operation HOPE initiate a new financial advisory service to enhance the recovery process for those affected by natural disasters and national emergencies.

November 6

Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) Created

The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK), now an official federal government document (FEMA document #532) was created and became available to all Americans, at no cost.

September 24

Veteran Affairs partners with HOPE

Operation HOPE and U.S. Veteran Affairs signs MOU around financial education for veterans.

May 14

Oprah honors Operation HOPE

Oprah honors Operation HOPE

Operation HOPE Founder and CEO John Hope Bryant was selected by Oprah Winfrey and the Oprah’s Angel Foundation to receive the Use Your Life Award, along with a $100,000 gift, donated to the work of Operation HOPE, presented on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

April 25

HOPE partners with President Clinton

HOPE partners with President Clinton

A partnership between Operation HOPE and former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton to educate every child in Harlem, New York in economic literacy was announced.

April 18

FDIC partnership

A memorandum of agreement was signed with the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, creating a partnership to educate the whole family in economic literacy.

September 11

HOPE Coalition of America created

In response to 9/11, HOPE Coalition America (HCA) was established as America’s “economic Red Cross.”

April 12

Banking on Our Future launched

Banking on Our Future launched

Banking on Our Future was founded, the leading urban delivery system for financial literacy education for youth across America of its time.

March 10

First HOPE Vision Center

First HOPE Vision Center

The first in a national network of inner-city banking centers, called Operation HOPE Vision Centers, serving low-wealth communities was founded.

May 15

1st Banker’s Bus Tour

1st Banker’s Bus Tour

The first annual Operation HOPE Banker’s Bus Tour was conducted with more than 30 bankers and media representatives in attendance.

May 5

Operation HOPE founded May 5, 1992

Operation HOPE founded May 5, 1992

John Hope Bryant founded Operation HOPE immediately following the worst urban riot and civil unrest in U.S. history, the Rodney King Riots of April 29th, 1992.