
Blog Posts

Operation HOPE Continues Streak of Impressive Growth with Release of 2022 Annual lmpacts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nearly $1 billion in mortgages provided to low- and- moderate income  homebuyers through partnership through Fulton Bank Over 169,000 Black businesses supported through partnership with Shopify Milestone …

Operation HOPE Announces New Executive Joann Massey as SVP of 1MBB Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  ATLANTA – February 1, 2023 – Operation HOPE, Inc., the nation’s largest non-profit dedicated to financial empowerment for underserved communities, today announced that Joann Massey will be …

Rest in Power Tyre Nichols

Today, Tyre Nichols was celebrated by his family, friends, loved ones, and concerned citizens who advocate for peace, justice, and equity. His life was taken tragically and prematurely, but his …

The Caldwells Make Preparations for the Future

If you’re like many Americans, you think a lot about your financial future and the life you want to live after retirement. Thomas Caldwell and his wife were thinking about …

Judith’s Steady Path Toward Her Financial Dreams

Judith C. is a hardworking woman with a dream—a dream to purchase her own home. When she connected with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County (OC) to begin the process …

The Whisants Find Joy in Their Journey

“Starting out we had very little understanding of how the credit coaching and counseling process worked with First Horizon and Operation HOPE, I had no idea how much it could …

Tony’s Story of Financial Breakthrough and Victory

Toni L. is a 70+ year old woman living in New Jersey who joined Operation HOPE at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. When she began the Credit and …

Thankful for a Renewed Money Mindset

Monique came to her new financial wellness coach, Niki, admittedly frustrated but determined. From their first conversation, Niki, the HOPE financial wellbeing coach at First Horizon Bank in Hickory, North …

Operation HOPE Partners with Southwest Virginia Diverse Regional Chamber of Commerce to Help Create 1 Million New Black Businesses by 2030

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ATLANTA (October 24, 2022) – The Southwest Virginia Diverse Regional Chamber of Commerce (SWVA) today announced a partnership with Operation HOPE’s national One Million Black Business Initiative (1MBB). The SWVA Chamber’s commitment includes …

Financial Freedom is an Act of Love: A Mother-Daughter Duo’s Story of HOPE

Achieving financial dignity through financial literacy is a life-changing experience for an individual. However, mother-daughter duo, Dana and Trinity Purdue, demonstrate that it also brings families closer together. Below you’ll …